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NHITA is Accredited by COMTA

Accreditation Overview

Accredited schools, such as NHITA, have voluntarily taken steps to assure themselves that they meet high standards of educational excellence by going through a process called accreditation.

An accredited school is one that meets the standards of excellence, demonstrates financial stability, hires competent and credentialed faculty, and has an array of services that respond to the learner's needs.

About Accreditation

Accreditation is a voluntary process that identifies and acknowledges educational programs and/or institutions for achieving and maintaining a level of quality, performance and integrity that meets meaningful standards.

Important Features of COMTA

COMTA is the only independent accrediting agency for the massage therapy profession recognized by the United States Department of Education. COMTA accreditation is unique because:

A school or program that decides to become accredited does a comprehensive, in-depth study of the quality of its program - its administrative practices, curriculum, student affairs, faculty competence, and relationship with employers.

The school documents its program's qualities for conformity to a set of standards set by an accrediting body. COMTA is one such accrediting body.

COMTA's History

The AMTA Council of Schools was instrumental in the formation of COMTA. The Council saw and valued the need for accreditation as a way to establish and maintain the profession.

In 1994 COMTA became an independent affiliate of AMTA, operating separately and under its own mission, policies and procedures. In 2004 COMTA became a completely independent organization. COMTA's Commissioners are an elected body of volunteers who make final decisions regarding COMTA standards, policies, and the granting of accreditation to schools and programs that apply for accreditation.

Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation (COMTA)
900 Commonwealth Place, Suite 200-331
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
(202) 888-6790